Satellite GS Subscriptions
Raven’s Satellite GS correction delivery was developed to provide a full product experience. By offering subscription services to Satellite GS, you will receive the same customer support for correction subscriptions as with other cutting edge technologies from Raven.
Satellite GS subscriptions are available for the following Raven products. When using GS as a correction source, please make sure to have the GPS software version at OEM060730RN0000. This software is needed for the GS correction to work.
- • 600S™ Receiver
- • RS1™ Steering
- • Viper® 4 with internal GPS
- • Phoenix™ 300 Receiver
- • Envizio Pro II® with internal GPS
Before you purchase please review our Knowlege Base article for information on How to Get GS Corrections in order to provide accurate data for each unit. If you are renewing your subscription, please review this article, How to Renew a GS Subscription.